Std 11 English Medium

1. Physical World

2. Units and Measurements

3. Motion in a Straight Line

4. Motion in a Plane

Mathematical Tools Vectors Projectile Motion
Unit, Dimension, and measurements Motion in One Dimension Circular Motion ( In – Chp-5)
Significant Figure & Error Analysis Graph Relative Velocity (1D & 2D)

5. Laws of Motion/Circular Motion

6. Work Energy and Power

7. Rotational Motion

8. Gravitation

Force (Part 1) Work
Force (Part 2) Energy
Circular Motion ( Complete) Power and Collision

9. Mechanical Properties of Solids

10. Mechanical Properties of Fluids

11. Thermal Properties of Matter

12. Thermodynamics

Expansion of Solids
Expansion of Liquids
Heat transfer

13. Kinetic Theory

14. Oscillations

15. Waves

Expansion of Gases Introduction Introduction
Kinetic Theory of Gas Periodic and Oscillatory Motion Transverse and longitudinal waves
Simple Harmonic Motion Progressive wave
SHM and Uniform Circular Motion The speed of a travelling wave
Velocity and Acceleration in S.H.M Superposition of waves
Force Law For S.H.M Reflection of waves
Energy in S.H.M Beats
Some System Executing S.H.M Doppler effect
Damped S.H.M
Forced Oscillation & Resonance