The nuclear force is the strong forces of attraction that hold together the nucleons (neutrons and protons) inside the tiny nucleus, inspite of strong electrostatic forces of repulsion.
- The nuclear force is a strong attractive force.
- These forces act between a pair of neutrons, a pair of protons and also between neutrons- protons pair with the same strength.
- These forces are independent of charge.
- These forces are the strongest force in nature, times that of gravitational force.
- These forces are very short-range forces.
- The nuclear force between two nucleons falls rapidly to zero as their distance is more than a few femtometers.
7. The P.E is minimum at a distance of about . This means that the force is attractive for distance larger than and repulsive if they are separated by a distance less than .
8. Unlike coulomb’s law or Newton’s law of gravitation, there is no simple mathematical form of the nuclear force.
9.According to Yukawa (1936) nuclear forces can be treated as exchange forces, which results from the continuous exchange of particle called π meson between nucleons.
It has the same mass intermediate between that of the electron and proton.
Contain no charge
Contain +ve charge
Contain -ve charge
( have the same charge as electron and mass is 270 times the mass of the electron)
P-P force
n-n force
p-n force