Interference of light (Introduction)

An important characteristic of light waves is their ability, under certain circumstances, to interfere with one another. Most people observe some type of optical interference every day but do not realize what is occurring to produce this phenomenon. One of the best examples of interference is demonstrated by the light reflected from a film of oil floating on water. Another example is the soap bubble that reflects a variety of beautiful colours when illuminated by natural or artificial light sources. We will see the reason for all in this chapter. So here we are going to discuss the topic Interference of light.


Two sources of light that emit continuous light waves of the same frequency, same wavelength, and have constant phase difference at all times are called coherent sources.

interference of light

Here above fig shows some methods to obtained two coherent source s1  and s2.


Two incoherent sources of light cannot produce an interference pattern.



The superposition principle state that when two or more waves travelling through a medium, superimpose on one another, a new wave is formed which has a resultant displacement at any instant equal to the vector sum of the displacements due to individual waves at that instant.

i.e interference of light

where interference of light are the function of time and space

interference of light



The phenomenon of redistribution of light energy in a medium as a resultant of the superposition of light waves from two coherent sources is called interference.

interference of light

Note that light waves interfering must have the same amplitude, otherwise the resulting interference pattern will lack contrast.

If the two waves are in phase, the amplitude of the resultant wave is equal to the sum of the amplitude of the two waves. This is called constructive interference.

If the two waves differ in phase by interference of light , the resultant wave amplitude is the difference between the amplitude of the two waves. This is called destructive interference.

If the amplitude of two waves is same then, in constructive interference resultant amplitude is double and in destructive interference, the resultant amplitude is zero.

We know that the Intensity(Energy) of a wave at any point is directly proportional to the square of its amplitude.

i.e At constructive interference, the resultant intensity is 4 times increases( Bright) and at destructive interference, the resultant intensity is zero(Dark)


Here the law of conservation of energy is obeyed. In the case of constructive interference, intensity becomes maximum and bright fringes are formed in the screen whereas in case of destructive interference, the intensity being minimum, dark fringes are formed. This implies that in interference and diffraction pattern, the intensity of light is simply being redistributed i.e. energy is only transferred from dark to bright fringe and no energy is created or destroyed in the process. i.e we can say that in interference phenomena, energy is conserved.

interference of light

From fig, Path difference interference of light

It is clear from fig, if the path difference at p from two sources s1  and s2 is interference of light, then the phase difference of two waves originated from s1 and s2 must be interference of light .

i.e for path difference interference of light, phase difference(interference of light) is interference of light

interference of light for path difference 1, phase difference(interference of light) is interference of light

interference of light for path difference interference of light , phase difference(interference of light) is  interference of light

interference of light

interference of light

Consider two monochromatic coherent sources of light s1 and s2, emitting waves of wavelength interference of light . Let A be the amplitude of each wave and interference of light is the angular frequency. Then the wave can be represented as

interference of light

interference of light

where interference of light is the phase difference at a point P

According to the superposition principle, the resultant displacement (y) at point p is

interference of light

interference of light

interference of light

 interference of light

interference of light

The amplitude of the resultant displacement is interference of light and therefore the resultant intensity at that point will be

interference of light

interference of light

Also   interference of light

interference of light

It is clear from the expression, the resultant intensity (I) at point P depends upon the phase difference (interference of light) between the two waves reaching the point p.

for constructive interference, the resultant intensity will be maximum.

interference of light

interference of light

interference of light

interference of light

we know that    interference of light

interference of light

interference of light

Hence Constructive interference will occur at any point P if the two waves arriving at P have a phase difference of an integral multiple of interference of light or path difference of an integral multiple of the wavelength

here interference of light

For destructive interference, the resultant intensity will be minimum.

interference of light

interference of light

interference of light

interference of light

similarly as above

interference of light

here  interference of light


(1) All bright fringe have the same intensity interference of light

All Dark fringe have the same intensity interference of light

(2) If the two sources are coherent, then the phase difference interference of light at any point will not change with time and we will have a stable interference pattern: i.e the position of maxima and minima will not change with time. If two sources are incoherent, then the phase difference is not constant. i.e the position of maxima and minima will also vary with time and we will see the average intensity distribution. The Average intensity will be given by

interference of light

interference of light

interference of light

interference of light

(3) When two waves have different amplitudes:- If the two interfering waves have different amplitudes, say interference of light and interference of light (interference of light), then the magnitude of the amplitude R of the resultant wave is

interference of light

we know that interference of light

i.e we can write

interference of light

for constructive interference interference of light

interference of light

for destructive interference interference of light

interference of light

interference of light

Also, we know that the intensity of light from a slit is directly proportional to the width of the slit. If W1 and W2 are the widths of two slits from which intensities of light I1 and I2 respectively, then

interference of light

Introduction Huygens Principle
Refraction and Reflection of Plane waves using Huygens Principle Coherent and Incoherent Addition of Waves
Interference of Light Waves and Young’s Experiment Diffraction


